Viewing page 16 of 112

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[[start page]]
[[preprinted]] 28 [[/preprinted]]
February 9, 1904
Wolf's Variables Continued

[[strikethrough]] [[underline]] 83b [[/underline]] [[/strikethrough]]5
A3429 rather faint
A153 bright
2156 rather bright
2119 as on 2156
192 bright
1271 medium
5731 medium
Range about half a magn.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[preprinted]] 29 [[/preprinted]]
[[underline]] February 6, 1904 [[/underline]]
Variables [[underline]] 83 [[/underline]] ^[[1903]] (Wolf) [[strikethrough]] [[underline]]83a [[/underline]][[/strikethrough]] 1, [[strikethrough]] [[underline]] 83b [[/underline]] [[/strikethrough]]5, [[strikethrough]] [[underline]] 84a [[/underline]] [[/strikethrough]] 3 23

Comparison stars on [[underline]] Plate A2119 [[/underline]]
C4D  Plate A 2156 exp. 265m
D4E  A1B
E5F  B3C
^[[H n.s.]]F4G  C4D
Plate A3429  D4E
A1B  E5F
B3C  F5G
C5D  G6H
D4E ^[[image - star plot]]
Plate A5731 Exp 420m
A1B                                                             Bond No. | d alpha | d delta | Magn | Ptq Magn Ud32
B0C                                                             A 794 | +0 ^[[m]]27.73^[[s]] | +971.9 | 12.5 | 12.1
C4D                                                             B 730 | 0 13.58 | +1150.4 | 13.1 | 13.1   
D[[strikethrough]]5[[/strikethrough]]4E                         C 874 | 0 47.14 | +1433.6 | 11.5 | 13
E5F                                                             D 772 | 0 22.30 | +869.2 | 13.9 | 13.[[strikethrough]]9[[/strikethrough]]  
F5G                                                             E 718 | 0 11.68 | +1038.7 | 13.9 | 13
[[margin]] H' appears very bright. Var? [[/margin]]
 G2H'                                                            F 749 | 0 16.38 | +1188.6 | 14.5 | 15
G5H[[strikethrough]]'[[/strikethrough]]                         G 766 | 0 20.93 | +1562.9 | 14.8 | 16

[[end page]]