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[[preprinted]] 74 [[/preprinted]]

[[underlined]]October 5, 1904[[/underlined]]

-15[[symbol-degree]] 4905 Additional Plates

Plate B 33446, April 22, 1904
Does not cover region

May 5, 1904
9.42 b2v 9.62 9.57 9.60 02 [[underlined]] 03 [[/underlined]]
9.57 v1c 9.67
AC5220, Sept. 4, 1904
9.42 b2v 9.62 9.57 9.60 02 [[underlined]] 03 [[/underlined]]
9.57 v1c 9.67
AC 5211, Aug. 31, 1904
9.42 b2v 9.62 9.57 9.60 02 [[underlined]] 03 [[/underlined]]
9.57 v1c 9.67
AC 5180, Aug. 26, 1904
9.42 b3v 9.72 9.57 9.64 08 [[underlined]] 07 [[/underlined]]
9.57 v1c 9.67
AC 5227, Sept. 6, 1904
9.42 b2v 9.62 9.57 9.60 02 [[underlined]] 03 [[/underlined]]
9.57 v1c 9.67
AC 5199, Aug. 29, 1904
AC 5098, July 27, 1904
Too poor
AC 5058, July 14, 1904
9.42 b3v 9.72 9.57 9.64 08 [[underlined]] 07 [[/underlined]]
9.57 v1c 9.67

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October 5, 1904

-15[[symbol-degree]] 4905 Cont

AC4986, June 18, 1904
9.[[strikethrough]]94[[/strikethrough]]^[[89]] d3v 10.[[strikethrough]]24[[/strikethrough]]^[[19]] 10.[[strikethrough]]34[[/strikethrough]]^[[29]] 10.2[[strikethrough]]9[[/strikethrough]]^[[4]] [[underline]]05[[/underline]] 05
10.[[strikethrough]]34[[/strikethrough]]^[[29]] v2l 10.[[strikethrough]]54[[/strikethrough]]^[[49]]
Edge of plate. Images very poor.

AC 4980. June 17, 1904
9.42 b2v 9.62 9.57 9.60 02 [[underlined]]03[[/underlined]]
9.57 v1c 9.67
AC 5042, July 8, 1904
9.42 b2v 9.62 9.57 9.60 02 [[underlined]]03[[/underlined]]
9.57 v1c 9.67

AC 5068
9.42 b2v 9.62 9.57 9.60 02 [[underlined]]03[[/underlined]]
9.57 v1c 9.67
B 3[[strikethrough]]2[[/strikethrough]]^[[3]]683, 33495, 33440 do not cover region

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