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Thursday Nov. 15, 1906
Var. 29 C.PD -51 3909

[[3 column table]]
|AM 750 |AM 4098 |AM 400
|10.3 |10.5 |too poor
|AM 430 |AM 4076 |
|10.0 |9.8 |
|AM 404 |AM 4224 |
|too poor |10.0 |
|AM 372 t. poor |AM 4015 |
|AM 363 t poor |10.3 |
|AM 360 tp |10.3 |
|AM 360 tp |B 29744 |
||9.9 |
|AM 4352 ||
|10.0 |AM [[strikethrough]]B[[/strikethrough]]  3306 |
||10.0 |
|AM 3718 ||
|9.9 |AM 441 |
||too poor |
|AM 4185 ||
|10.0 |AM 769 |
||9.9 |
|AM 4287 ||
|10.0 |AM 1467 |
||10.0 |
|AM 41[[strikethrough]]2[[/strikethrough]]33 ||
|10.1 ||


[[underlined]]Friday, November 16, 1906[[/underlined]]
Variable 3 (12^[[h]]-60°) CPD- 59°2007 Cont from p. 92
Examination of Plates of Class C

Plate AM 3444
too difficult

AM 445
9.3 throughout

AM 446
9.3 throughout