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[[underlined]]Wednesday, October 31, 1906[[/underlined]].

21.25   Var[[?]] 57   Nova [[strikethrough]]Centauri No. 2[[/strikethrough]] Velorum Second Measure.

[[2 column table]]
|B 27020 March 29, 1901 |
|AM 4300 |Am 4015
|9.8 |9.7
|10.4 |10.3
|AM 4287 |AM 4194
|10.1 |10.5
|10.8 |11.2
|AM 4185 |AM 4212
|10.5 |10.1 defective image
|11.2 |10.8
|AM 4133 |AM 4352
|9.9 |11.2
|10.[[strikethrough]]5[[/strikethrough]]6 |11.8
|Am 4098 |Am 4134
|10.0 |9.8
|10.7 |10.4
|AM 4076 |AM 4053
|10.0 |9.8
|10.7 |[[strikethrough]]AM[[/strikethrough]] 10.4
|AM 4051 |
|Reg. |AM 4143
|AM 4364 |10.4 
|<11 |
|<11.6 |
|AM 4225 |
|10.1 |
|10.8 |2

[[right margin]]Measured Thursday, Nov. 1, 1906.[[/right margin]]

21.32 A.D.W.


Wednesday, October 31, 1906.

2.52   Nova [[strikethrough]]Centauri No. 2[[/strikethrough]] Velorum Third Measurement.

[[2 column table]]
|AM 4352 |AM 4185
|11.0 |10.4
|11.6 |11.1
|AM 4212 |AM 4287
|9.9 |10.0
|10.[[strikethrough]]5[[/strikethrough]]6 |10..7
|AM4194 |AM4300
|10.4 |9.8
|11.1 |10.4
|AM 4015 |Am 4134
|9.7 |9.8
|10.3 |10.4
|AM 4225 |AM 4053
|10.6 very difficult |9.7 
|11.3 |10.3
|AM 4364 |
|<11.2 |
|<11.8 |
|AM 4076 |[[strikethrough]]AM[[/strikethrough]]
|9.9 |
|10.[[strikethrough]]5[[/strikethrough]]6 |
|AM 4098 |
|10.0 |
|10.7 |
|AM 4133 |
|9.8 |
|10.4 |


Transcription Notes:
Should there be notes for the numbers written with red ink? What should be done for checkmarks?