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Monday, March 30, 1908
North Polar Sequence
Copied|I 28206|   |   |   
Scale N|   |   |   |   
G|Seventh Exposure|H|Eigth Exposure|   
A|2.2 2.4|   |A 2.9 3.1|   
a^[[1]]|5.8 6.0 5.8|5.90 1 [[underlined]]1[[/underlined]]|a^[[1]] 6.5 6.7 6.7 6.70 0 0|   
b^[[2]]|8.6|   |b^[[2]] [[strikethrough]]def.[[/strikethrough]] 9.0|   
a^[[3]]|6.7 6.9 6.9|6.90 0 0|a^[[3]] 7.7|   
a^[[5]]|7.8|   |c^[[7]] 10.2|   
a^[[4]]|6.8 7.0 6.8|6.90 1 [[underlined]]1[[/underlined]]|c^[[2]] 9.7|   
c^[[1]]|8.7|   |c^[[5]] 9.8|   
c^[[6]]|9.7|   |b^[[3]] 8.8|   
c^[[5]]|9.5|   |a^[[5]] 8.0|   
b^[[3]]|8.4|   |c^[[4]] 9.1|   
c^[[4]]|8.8|   |a^[[4]] 7.5|   
c^[[2]]|9.3|   |c^[[3]] 10.0|   
d|9.7|   |c^[[1]] 9.[[strikethrough]]3[[/strikethrough]]2
c^[[3]]|9.5|   |d 10.2|   
c^[[7]]|9.7|   |c^[[6]] 9.8|   
b^[[1]]|fogged|   |b^[[1]] fogged [[strikethrough]]8.5[[/strikethrough]] Av. Dev. 00
e|10.1|   |   |   |   
f|   |[[equation]]|   |   

Monday, March 30, 1908
Prismatic Companions of Polar Sequence
Copied|I 28206|   |   |   
Scale N|   |   |   |   
A|1st Exposure|   |G 9.0|G Seventh Exposure
a|3.7 3.9|a^[[5]] 8.9|a^[[5]] 10.1|A 7.3
a^[[1]]|6.8 7.0 7.0 7.00 00|c^[[4]] superposed|a^[[3]] 9.3|a^[[1]] n.s
b^[[1]]|8.6|c^[[1]] [[strikethrough]]7.2[[/strikethrough]] 10.0|   |   
b^[[2]]|8.9|c^[[2]] n.s ^[[Changed April 9]]|E Fifth Exp|   
a^[[5]]|8.4|c^[[5]]|A 5.9 6.1|H Eight Exp
c^[[4]]|9.7|   |a^[[1]] [[strikethrough]]10.80[[/strikethrough]]9.4|A 7.9
a^[[4]]|7.9|C Third Exp|b^[[1]]|a^[[1]] n.s
c^[[5]]|10.1|A 4.7 4.9 4.8 4.85 ^[[10]]|a^[[2]] 9.7|   
a^[[3]]|7.8|a^[[1]] 7.9|a^[[4]] 10.0|   
c^[[1]]|9.5|b^[[1]] 9.8|a^[[3]] 9.8|   
c^[[2]]|9.7|b^[[2]] 10.1|G superposed|   
c^[[3]]|10.0|c^[[1]] n.s|F 9.3|   
Unit changed April 9 b^[[3]]|[[strikethrough]]8[[/strikethrough]]9.1| a^[[3]] 8.8|a^[[5]] n.s
F|6.9|a^[[4]] 8.7|   |   
G|7.4|a^[[5]] 9.1|Sixth Exp|   
a^[[2]]|7.4 Av Dev. +/-.00|F 6.8 Av Dev. +/-.05|F A ^[[scale 2]] 6.9|   
   |   |b^[[3]] n.s|a^[[1]] 9.8|   
B|2nd Exp|G superposed|a^[[3]] [[strikethrough]]10.2[[/strikethrough]] in too poor Apr. 9|   
A|4.1 4.3|a^[[2]] 8.3|a^[[2]] 10.0|   
a^[[1]]|7.5|   |a^[[4]] n.s|   
b^[[1]]|8.8|D Fourth Exp|F 9.8|   
b^[[2]]|9.8|A 5.1 5.3 5.7 5.50 [[underlined]]2[[/underlined]]|2 G superposed|   
a^[[3]]|8.0|a^[[1]] 8.8|   |   
a^[[2]]|7.7|b^[[1]] n.s|   |   
a^[[4]]|8.1|a^[[2]] 8.9|   |   
4.00 F|7.9|a^[[4]] 9.4 Av Dev +/-.20|   
b^[[3]]|9.6|F 8.8|   |   