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[[underline]] Thursday, July 2, 1908 [[/underline]]

North Polar Sequence
I 35368 - Large prism
Scale M

[[5 column table]]

  |Exp + 90°| |Prismatic Companions| |

A |  |  |A  3.0 3.2    3.2|a .|

F |2.7 2.9   |2.9  a .|a^1 5.9 6.1 6.2 6.15|[[underline]] 1 [[\underline]] 0|

G |tp  |  |b^1     7.7    7.7|. a|

a^1 |tp  |  |a^5 7.0 7.2 7.6 7.40|[[underline]] 2 [[\underline]] 2|

a^3 |3.2 3.4   |3.4 a .|F 5.9 6.1 6.2 6.15|[[underline]] 1 [[\underline]] 0|

a^4|3.7 3.9   |3.9 a .|G 6.0 6.2 6.5 6.35| [[underline]] 2 [[\underline]] 1|

a^5|3.8 4.0   |4.0 a .|a^4 sup.   |   |

b^1|tp |  |a^3 6.6 6.8 6.8 6.80| 0 0|

b^2|tp |  |c^4   8.6  |[[equation]]|

c^1|5.6 5.8 5.8|5.80 0 0|c^5  9.5  |[[equation]]|

c^2|6.2 6.4 6.6|6.50 [[underline]] 1 [[\underline]] 1|c^2   8.9   |[[equation]]|

c^3|6.7 6.9 6.9|6.9 0 0|c^6  9.3   |  |

c^4|5.6 5.8 5.6|5.70 1 [[underline]] 1 [[\underline]]|c^1 8.5   |  |

c^5|6.6 6.8 6.8|6.80 0 0|b^2  8.3   |  |

c^6|6.8 7.0 7.1|7.05 0 1|b^3    8.0   |  |

c^7|6.8 7.0 7.5|7.25 [[underline]] 2 [[\underline]] 3|c^3    9.4    |  |

d|6.9 7.1 7.4 ^[[poor]]|7.25 [[underline]] 1 [[\underline]] 2|c^7   9.6   |   |

b^3|5.6 5.8 5.7|5.75 0 [[underline]] 1 [[\underline]]|e  10.0   |  |

e|      7.8|[[equation]]|d   9.7   |   |

f^1|    8.2|[[equation]]|  |  |

f^2|    8.5|[[equation]]|  |  |

f^3|    8.8|  |  |  |

g|      9.3|  |  |  |

h|      9.6|  |  |  |

k^1|    9.9|  |  |  |

k^2|   10.0|  |  |  |

k^3|   10.2|  |  |  |

i|     t.p.|  |  |  |



Thursday, July 2, 1908

copied North Polar Sequence
I35368 - Large prism 
Reject - meas. Exp. +87°
Scale M

[[5 column table]]

   |Exp +89|  |Prismatic Companions|Exp +87°|

F  |t.p.  |unit changed July 6 H.S.L.|A 3.0 [[strikethrough]] 2 [[\strikethrough]] 3.2 [[strikethrough]] 2 [[\strikethrough]]    3.2 [[strikethrough]] 2 [[\strikethrough]] a .|a^1 2.7 2.9   2.9 a .|

G  |t.p.  |    |F 5.8 6.0 6.5 6.25 [[underline]] 2 [[\underline]] 3|b^1 5.2 5.4 5.5  5.45 0 1|

a^1|2.7 2.9    |2.9 a .|G t.p.   |a^5 t.p.    5.1  5.1 . a|

a^3|3.6 3.8    |3.8 a .|a^1 6.0 6.2 6.6 6.40 [[underline]] 2 [[\underline]] 2|b^2 5.8 6.0 5.9  5.95 0 [[underline]] 1 [[\underline]]|

a^4|t.p.  |    |a^3 6.6 6.8 6.9 6.85 0 1|c^1 5.9 6.1 6.0 6.05 1 0|

a^5|4.1 4.3 4.4|4.35 [[underline]] 1 [[\underline]] 0|a^4 6.7 6.9 6.9 6.90 0 0|a^3 t.p.        |

b^1|4.8 5.0 4.9|4.95 0 [[underline]] 1 [[\underline]]|a^5 6.9 7.1 7.5 7.30 [[underline]] 2 [[\underline]] 2|c^4    6.2 6.2 . a|

b^2|5.6 5.8 5.7|5.75 0 [[underline]] 1 [[\underline]]|b^1 [[strikethrough]] 7.0 [[\strikethrough]] 7.9  [[equation]]|         |

b^3|t.p.   t.p.|   |b^2    8.2   [[equation]]|  |          

c^1|5.7 5.9 5.8|5.85 1 0|b^3 sup.        |Prismatic Comp|

c^2|6.5 6.7 6.7|6.70 0 0|c^1     8.5    |A 3.0 3.2   3.2 a .|

c^3|6.8 7.0 6.9|6.95 0 [[underline]] 1 [[\underline]]|c^2   8.7     |a^1 6.5 6.7 6.7 6.70 0 0|

c^4|5.8 6.0 5.9|5.95 0 [[underline]] 1 [[\underline]]|c^3   9.0     |b^2      8.5     |

c^5|6.3 6.5 [[strikethrough]]6[[\strikethrough]].9 [[strikethrough]] 5 [[\strikethrough]]|6.70 [[underline]] 2 [[\underline]] 2|c^4     8.6    |a^5    7.3 |    

c^6|6.9 7.1 7.0|7.05 1 0|c^5      9.5    |c^4     8.6 |      

c^7|7.0 7.2 7.3|7.25 0 1|c^6     9.5    |b^1     7.9|     

d  |        7.0|[[equation]]|c^7    9.6    |c^1      8.6 |    

e  |        7.7|[[equation]]|d     9.7    |   |

f^1|        8.3|  |e     9.9    |   |

f^2|        8.4|  |f^1   sup.   |   |

* f^3|      9.4|   |   |   |

g  |        9.4|   |    |  |

h  |        9.5|    |  |   |

i  |        9.8|f^3 re-examined|Difficult. Do with change [[?]]|H.S.L. July 6|

k^1|        9.9|   |   |   |
k^2|       10.1|   |   |   |
k^3|       10.2|   |   |   |

The prismatic companion Fa' 200s re-examined on these exposures. No changes made.

[[right margin]] 

Exp. +87° re-examined a^5, July 6.  Correct.

[[\right margin]]


Transcription Notes:
The first letter in the third row is probably G, not Y. (since there are no class Y stars) Changed in line 3, 6 on left and 2,3. The notation in column 2 is tp, abbreviation for "too poor".