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Thursday May 26, 1915

[[5 columned table]]

|   |Rich Region|Scut. Sob.|MC8535 Yellow|Yellow|
[[left margin]]3.36[[/left margin]]|   |U H|R sc.1 sc.2|P.12 U P.26-32 U Mean. U|P.12 H P.26-32 H Mean H|
|Ref.|1546 934|   |1547 1546 15.63 010|935 934 93.43 010|
|1 2043 1003|   |2044 2043 204.33 010|1004 1003 100.33 010|
|2|1761 1060|   |1762 1761 176.[[strikethrough]]6[[/strikethrough]]13 000|1060 1060 106.00 000|
|2a|[[strikethrough]]1346 1176[[/strikethrough]]1341 1099|B|1341 1341 134.10 000|1098 1098 109.83 100|
|3|1390 1162|   |1391 1390 139.03 010|1162 1161 116.17 001|
|4|1347 1175|   |1346 1346 134.63 100|1175 1177 117.57 111|
|5|12[[strikethrough]]1[[/strikethrough]]16 1269|B|1265 *[[strikethrough]]1258[[/strikethrough]] 126.[[strikethrough]]63[[/strikethrough]]55 01|*[[strikethrough]]1268 *1250[[/strikethrough]] 126.85 10|
|6|1284 1212|B . . |1285 1286 128.50 101|1212 1211 12.17 001|
|7[[strikethrough]]a[[/strikethrough]]|1320 1160| . 4.9 4.[[strikethrough]]5[[/strikethrough]]4|1320 1320 132.00 000|1160 1160 116.00 000|
|7a|1429 1257| . 5.1 4.6|1429 1429 142.90 000|1256 1256 125.63 100|
|7b|1415 1252| . 5.7 5.2|1414 1415 141.47 010|1252 1253 125.23 001|
|8|1383 1110| . B . |1383 1383 138.30 000|1110 1110 111.00 000|
|9|1251 1140| . B . |1253 1252 125.20 110|1140 1140 114.00 000|
|10|1389 1227| . 6.3 5.8|1388 1387 138.80 101|1226 1228 122.70 011|
|11|1517 1121|[[strikethrough]]6.0[[/strikethrough]] 6.0 5.5|1517 1516 151.67 001|1120 1120 112.03 100|
|12|1554 1127|6.2 [[strikethrough]]6.0[[/strikethrough]] 6.2|1554 1553 155.37 001|1127 1126 112.67 001
13| 1495 1082 | 6.7 6.7 | 1494 1495 149.47 010 1083 | 1082 108.23 010
14| 1371 1088| 7.2 | 1371 1370 137.07 001 1087 | 1088 108.77 010 [[strikethrough]]13[[/strikethrough]] 516 14.80| stopped at 5:00 after writing 100 cards.
15| 1446 1159| 7.1 | 1446 1445 14457 001 1158 | 1158 115.83 100 [[strikethrough]] 14 1756 15.34
16| 1438 1163| 7.6 | 1438 1436 14373 111 1163 | 1164 116.33 001 15 1006 22.40
17| 1356 1140| 7.8 | 1355 1354 13550 101 1140 | 1140 114.00 000 17 [[strikethrough]]16[/strikethrough]] 10.90 22.90
18| 1416 1179 | 7.8 | 1416 1415 141.57 001 1178|1178 117.83 100 18 [[strikethrough]]17[/strikethrough]]19.12 20.57
19| 1378 1140 | 8.6 | 1378 1377 137.3[[strikethrough]].7[/strikethrough]] 001 1195|1196 119.53 001 18 1306 24.40 
20| 1374 1140| 8.0 | 1375 1374 137.41 010 1140 | 1140 114.00 000 [[strikethrough]]20[/strikethrough]]19 16.86 261.0
21| 1410 1110 | 8.3 | 1410 1410 141.00 000 1110 | 1110 111.00 000 20 17.20 20.57
22| 1408 1186 | 8.9 | 1408 1407 140.77 001 1184 | 1185 118.50 110 21 13.63 17.57
23| 1474 1121 | 9.8 | 1474 1474 147.40 000 1121 | 1123 112.17 111 22 13.86 25.07
24| 1393 1111 | [[strikethrough]]8[/strikethrough]]9.8 | 1393 1393 139.30 000 1110 | 1111 111.07 010 23 7.23 18.74
Evidently mmg unit. 14.8.2. June 11, 1915 |   | Reject No. 5 on p. 26. Apparently mang star. |   | 24 15.33 17.64


Dist. from Ref. Star |    | Dist. from Ref. | YELLOW |   |

[[5 columned table]]
V H | V H | R | V H | P. 12 P. 26 Meau | P.12 | P. 26-21
25 | 1480 1054 | 9.8 | 6.66 11.97 | 1480 1479 147.9[[strikethrough]]8[/strikethrough]]7 001 1054 | 1054 105.40 000
26 | A. J. | F | . |   |   |

+11   +16
-16   -11
---   ---
2.7   2.7
86    86
+-.03   +-.03 

Average duration of a single reading in either H or V, when scale is read to lengths of a millimetre, is +-0.03 mm