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Wednesday June 2, 1915 

Rich Region Scut Srf     mc8535     YELLOW 
10:52| V   H   | Diff SC.1 SC.2 | P.C.  Diff. | Diff. from State|
Ref  |1547 [[strikethrough]]2044[[/strikethrough]] 935 [[strikethrough]]1004   | 2048 990[[/strikethrough]] SC.1 SC.2 |
   B.|         |        |V    H               |                |
     |         |[[strikethrough]]4.9 2090 981[[/strikethrough]] 
no.1 |2044 1004|        |2048 990             |                |
     |         |2d. Scale 44.49|2090 981 [[strikethrough]]4.2[[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]]4.2| 4.6[[/underlined]]
     |         |        |                     |                |
[[strikethrough]]Rdg[[/strikethrough]] T 2|1762 1060 |  |1766 1048 |
R'dg. B.|      |     6.8|1763 " 0.3           |[[underlined]]0.1[[/underlined]] . .
     |         |        |                     |                |
    3|1391 1162|. .     |1393 1150            |                |
    B|         |     1.9|1380 " 1.3.          |1.1 .           |
     |         |        |                     |                |
    4|1346 1175|. .     |1351 1163            |                |
    B|         |     8.3|1330 " 2.1.          |1.6 .           |
     |         |        |                     |                |
    5|1265 1268|. .     |1271 1258            |                |
    B|     "   |     8.7|1247 " 2.4.          |1.8 .           |
     |         |        |                     |                |
    6|1285 1212|. .     |1289 1200            |                |
    B|      "  |     9.2|1259 " 3.0.          |2.6 .           |
     |         |        |                     |                |
    4|1320 1160|. .     |1323 1147            |                |
    .|.     .10|     9.7|1288 " 3.5 [[strikethrough]]4[[/strikethrough]] .        |3.2.            |
 R'dg 4.9|1362 1150|[[strikethrough]]4.2[[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]]4.2[[/underlined]]              |                |
    8|1383 1110|. .     |1386 1098            |                |
    B|         |     8.7|1364 " 2.2.          |1.9.            |
Plate Reversed. 
Ref. star}1304  |1353
Ceutie| 2851 2288|
      |1425.5 1144.0|

[[right page]]
Wednesday [[strikethrough]]Tuesday[[/strikethrough]] June 2, 19 5

Rich Regeon Scut. Sor. mc8535 YELLOW
Diffr. Images
Ref. [[strikethrough]]9[[/strikethrough]] Img. Diff. |Im h Diff. |Sc. R'd'gs.Im.g. Diff. from |
    |SC1 SC2 |SC.1 SC.2 |Star Line (V) |
    |V   H   |          |SC.1 SC.2     |
1 [[strikethrough]]10[[/strikethrough]]| t.p. |       |

2 [[strikethrough]]11[[/strikethrough]]|1762 1065|1761 1055|
    |. [[strikethrough]]2.6[[/strikethrough]] 11.0|. 07    |
58 6.3|1788 .[[underlined]]2.6[[/underlined]] 1055|1747 v. 1048|6.4 5.9 [[strikethrough]]16[[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]]1.6[[/underlined]]
3 [[strikethrough]]12[[/strikethrough]]|1391 1168 |  |[[symbol]]
76  |1380 1.1 "|    |7.6 1.1 . |
    |          |               |
4 [[strikethrough]]13[[/strikethrough]]|1347 1181 |  |        
  80|1330 1.7."|[[strikethrough]]8.1[[/strikethrough]]|8.1 1.6 . |
    |          |               |                  |  |
5 [[strikethrough]]14[[/strikethrough]]|1267 [[strikethrough]]2.4[[/strikethrough]] 1274       |  |
 86 |1243 2.4."|               |8.7 2.1 .         |  |
    |          |               |                  |  |     
6 [[strikethrough]]15[[/strikethrough]]|1284 1216 |  |
 90 |1257 2.7."|               |9.1  2.8 .        |
    |          |[[strikethrough]]1287 1158[[/strikethrough]]||16 35.|  |     
7 [[strikethrough]]16[[/strikethrough]]|1320 1163 |--|
  96|1285 3.5."|               |8.7 2.1 .         |  |
    |          |               |                  |  |     
8 [[strikethrough]]17[[/strikethrough]]|1384 1113 |  |
  83|1362 2.2."|               |8.2 2.1 .         |  |
Olali Reversed
Star 7 | 1531 1130 |
Carie | 2851 2290 |
   | 1425.5 1145.0 |