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and got three species of pigeons. I stopped where clearings had been made: many Agrilus

Two larger islands divided by Sunlight channel, a narrow passage; deeply embayed; water in passages between islands in most places too deep for anchorage "50 fathoms no bottom".

Arms running out, sandy, strings of islands some only a few feet across, connected by reefs, with an occassional passage. Reef patches extending out, then deep passage & deep water to next island.

Clear day [[?]], wind, beaconed
[[image of deep channel between islands]]

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Pigeons swarm on some [[underlined]] uninhabited [[/underlined]] isles. One man got 100 with 22 in afternoon.

Native village, Karamoli, Church ^[[Cali island?]] Plated leaves [[line leading down to continuation]]

Well made, cool & airy wooden benches [[line leading down to continuation]] cement platform, [[underlined]]six [[underlined]] windows & spaces between walls & ceiling [[continuation from benches]] one with what appear to be "cushions" carved in.  [[strikethrough]] Mak [[/strikethrough]] Paintings in red, white & black of frigate birds, anchors, porpoises & a [[strikethrough]] Greek [[/strikethrough]] urn in the middle. 

[[continuation from leaves]] in back wall woven in black & white patterns [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] of chevrons & maltese crosses.

Outside, beneath broad roof, school benches & slates lying about. 

Sand roads, with coral