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Mindini Oct 22

Anchored in West Bay all day. I went ashore (Rindma Corrigan) in steamer launch with asst. supercargo & spent a couple of hours in the vicinity of a deserted village. New [[underlined]]Crematogaster[[/underlined]] & [[underlined]]Tetramormini[[/underlined]]?

Oct. 23 - 16
Left West Bay past a series of points!, the first very close. Deep water almost to cliff [[image of cliff]] Looking E. a half dozen in the space of a mile are four bays.  the apex of the intervening point [[image of the four bays]]
To Popasale

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being precipitous
Thin sandy arms with the sea showing through the palms.

Oct 24-16
In morning at Malaita Pt. [[??Mittelhenser]] brought 4 frogs & some beetles.
[[strikethrough]]Ron[[/strikethrough]] Heavy roll to Lavard. Beautiful plant. Poor sea. Giant banyans near house - white trunks of nalli nuts standing out. Ashore - caught in rain. Three big nuts in row. smaller range in front. Blue ranges showing beyond.

Rain passing back & forth beyond lst low range.

fringing reef in patches. Asst. manager aboard. [[Boy?]]
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Transcription Notes:
Very difficult to make out his writing.-nwmath