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picranter named Luthur [[Pillacita?]] Bell. Rick & I & 2 soldiers, a guide & 2 factotums By golly.
Easy walk at first, along beautifully clear & swift river up to 50 feet across, waterfall like ribbon down stone cliff, ninety fee, steep climb.  [[Depactu?]] diminishes with altitude. 
[[circled]] Band of natives going to market mostly ♀.  [[No?]] leaves. [[Embarasment?]], men with bows & arrows [[/circled]] 

At 900 feet lazy native village.  Altogether passed six natives out.  Catcalls. 3 women in one [[chinma?]].  Up to 1500 feet, then down again.  Along good [[shecam?]] probably the river.  New [[Crematozas?]] up & along cust. [[Bunches, brakes?]], fern brackens. Native & [[Cofucice?]to buy curios.

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More streams. One deliciously cool. Lime squash, sugar benzoate of soda. Good.  Boy (Shortlands) gives out.  Whiskey brings him up hill up stream bed, very stony to 2500 ft. then down to stream. Camp at 2200. Lunch - Pate de foi de porc, & hard tack; tea. Rick's criticisms.

Their shelters; trees or poles; broad [across?]] leaves; bracken floors & roll of same for pillows

In bed of stream were scorpion shells, ^[[new]] [[underlined]] Polythachis ^[[tiger beetle]] [[/underlined]] in camp.
Night cold, B.S. [[kink?]] belly, head aching.

Start in morning at 6 am.  Despite fact of crossing range we had