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April 18, Wednesday.
This noon when I came home from school I heard a Purple Finch sing in front of Pettys. I followed it around for a short distance. It was rather wild. The English Sparrows bothered it when it sang.

April 20, Saturday.
This morning Jim Seeley and I went up in Northup's by the river. There were a few Juncos here. Saw some Fox Sparrows. They were mating a little and were quite tame. The

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crows over in the woods were chasing a great Horned Owl. Crossed the river in a boat. We over by the railroad bridge. Saw a male and female Cowbird. They sat close together. The male gave his bubbling song and bowed to her. Went out on the middle pier of the bridge. Saw two Robins make the start of their nest. It was on a flange of the iron work about a foot below the top of the bridge and about 4 feet from the rails. Trains were passing frequently.