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mating. The Red-wings were flying around screaming and singing. The chickens were very afraid of them.

Father and I drove up to the county farm. We went over to the Baine Hill.

Vesper Sparrows were scattered along thickly. Saw a White-rumped Shrike fly out of a clump of trees ahead and hovered over a spot a hundred feet from its perch. It hung there with rapidly beating wings

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for fully two minutes and then dashed about 20 feet to the ground. A Coopers Hawk swept down about 20 feet above us. I could plainly see the barred tail. In Ablimans I watched some Flickers. They flew around and fed on the ground. They seemed to have a nest in a large elm. A troop of 8 Bluejays camping hunting through an apple orchard. 

On the hill I saw several Prairie Horned Larks. On our way home I