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first resembled a Song Sparrows. I saw the bird on a woodpile. It was about as large as a Chipping Sparrow and rather resembled one. Another one flew into the side of the woodpile. I saw that they were House Wrens. The song was hard to describe. It was rapid and pleasing. They flew into the sides of the woodpiles. They were mating. The male's wings and tail dropped while singing. The female scolded the male. He would get in front of her fluff up his feathers throw

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his tail over his back and sing. As they lit about me in a tree the black barred tail was conspicuous. They were not very tame.

Tonight after school I went over in [[?volls]]. Scared up some quail at the ravines. Saw 3 Killdeer. Tapped all the trees I came to but did not find any woodpecker's nests. I found one that may belong to a white breasted nuthatch as he was around. When he was near it he went around with spread tail and loosely hung wings as