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though mating. By Seeley's Bend I scared up a Green Heron. It flew in a tree and put its head under the branch on which it sat to look at me. It kept twisting its neck in queer ways all the time. It flew down to the river again and I got right above it. but it saw me before I did it. It lit in a tree again. It was rather nervous and jerked its tail all the time. Then it flew into Seeley's marsh. A Red-wing chased it. 

Then I went home.

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After supper I went down in the fields again. Saw a single Rusty Blackbird in Fiske's marsh. It said [[squiggly underline]] tchick [[/squiggly underline]] By a pond of water in Maine's woods I scared up the Green Heron again. I followed it around I tried to sneak up to it but could not.

Saw a Ruby-crowned Kinglet drinking dew. It drank without raising its head.

After dark I scared up the Green Heron from that little slough. It was roosting under a high bank. It flew out with a