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There were a number of Bank Swallows here. They sat in the trees while resting. Saw a number of Myrtle Warblers. They were mostly males.

Here a White-crowned sparrow sing song, Field Vesper and Chipping sparrows were singing in all directions. Here a large number of Evening Grosbeak's across the river in watsons woods.
We went up in the woods under some rocks. Saw a Yellow bellied woodpecker

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building its nest. The male was cutting out the inside. The entrance hole was so small that he had to make several efforts to get in. I could just see the tip of his tail. He would push a few pieces out of the hole and then fly off with one.

Then we went home.

Saw the House Wrens in our yard.
Took my camera and went down to get a picture of that Robin's nest. Another little elm was