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until above the trees. The other male sang. He mocked the notes of a Meadowlark, Killdeer, Redwinged Blackbird, Robin and the fighting note of a Song Sparrow and the songs of the Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Fox Sparrow and Tree Sparrow.

Heard a Baltimore Oriole

Then I went home.

This afternoon I went over across the river.  Found a Bluebirds nest in a stub by the ravines. It contained 6 eggs. I tapped lightly on the

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stub and the female came up and sat on the edge of hole and looked at me. Then she flew off with a note like [[squiggly underline]] quitit quitit quit [[/squiggly underline]]. She was not alarmed at all but sat on a limb preening her feathers for about 10 minutes. The male was nearby. Then they went off to get insects.

In Voll's woods were a great number of Myrtle Warblers. They were singing. They were not very tame. In Lyon's woods were a number of White-throated