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flying arund the school house Heard another Bobolink.  The Orioles were very thick this morning. 
[[underline]] [[/underline]]
After school I saw one Mourning Dove chase another away from the first's mate.

Saw a Kingbird the first of the year. Heard a Whippoorwill and  several  Owls.
[[underline]] May [[/underline]]
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May 1, Wednesday.

This morning I went down in the fields after breakfast.  In the ditch by Maine's woods a Song Sparrow flew from her nest.  It contained one egg.  It was built in under the grass.  She was not alarmed.  Chipping Sparrows were thick.  The woods were full of Myrtle Warblers in song.  They had 3 songs.  [[wavy underline]] swil swil swil swill [[savte?]] [[?sicai]] [[/wavy underline]] sometimes [[wavy underline]] se st [[/wavy underline]] was prefixed to it. 
[[wavy underline]] churi churi churu churu churu churu [[/wavy underline]] and a trill like a Chipping Sparrows only not so loud