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and sibilant. Saw a mated pair of Downy Woodpeckers. They gave queer harsh indrawn notes like [[underlined]] [[?chirt chirt]][[/underlined]].

There were a great number of White throated Sparrows here. They sang and gave sharp notes like tsi tsi in a metallic tone.

Saw a Mourning Dove chasing a female .

Flickers were common.

Two have a nest across the river.

Cowbirds were flying past all the time.

I could hear Quail in all directions

There were a few American

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Goldfinches and of course English Sparrows were there. Rose-breasted Grosbeaks were common.
Heard a Warbling Vireo sing.

The White-throated Sparrows looked much like English Sparrows when on the ground.

This evening I heard a Yellow-billed Cuckoo call. A male Purple Martin flew over.

May 2, Thursday.

Saw another Kingbird this evening. The English
Heard a song