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Sparrows still roost in Mrs. Russel's tree in great numbers.

May 3, Friday.

Went down in the fields. Saw several Killdeer. In Maine's woods heard several Warbling Vireos. Found a Robin's nest in a little crab by the slough. It contained 3 eggs.

Went over on the island. Found a Song Sparrow's with 5 eggs in it. It was under some weeds.

May 4, Saturday.

Heard a Catbird sing this

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Some Bluejays are building in Mrs. Petty's trees.

Heard a Bobolink singing in Fiske's meadow.

After breakfast I heard a strange song and found that it an Orchard Oriole the first I had ever seen. It was rather restless and flew from tree to tree. Its song was loud and pleasing and was given rapidly. It called much like the Baltimore Oriole.

Father and I drove over to Spauldings corners. We went up past Udell's.