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mating and gave notes and acted like Chipping Sparrows.

We stopped at Jones'es.

English Sparrows had built under the roof of a straw covered shed in great numbers. Most of the nests contained young.

Saw one Killdeer.

Mourning Doves were very thick. They were mostly paired. I saw more than 20 near a pond. There was a Killdeer nest near the pond but I could not find it.

Saw a bird on a tree about 10 rods off. I 

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looked at it with the glass and saw it was a White-rumped Shrike. I came closer and saw its nest. The tree was a poplar about a foot through. 20 feet from the ground it had broken and bent over so that the top touched the ground. The nest was at the top about a foot below it in a mass of twigs. I walked up one of the limbs. The male which I had seen flew away then. I looked under the limb and my face nearly touched the old bird. She flew off. The nest was made of