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saw that the bird was a Black-throated Green Warbler. There were two of them. Redstarts were singing in all directions.

Saw two or three Wood Thrushes they were rather wild. They called loudly when scared up.

Went out on the peninsula beyond the R.R. bridge. Saw a Male Maryland Yellow throat in some thorn apple trees.

Heard an Indigo Bunting singing.

Across the river by the big pine I saw a number of Bluejays getting

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acorns from the ground. They would hold them in their bills while they flew to a branch and then hold them under one of their feet while they split them open.

Saw a Chipping Sparrow that had lost its tail. It could not fly well. It appeared to be mating.

Then I went home.

This afternoon I went over to the Hemlock bluffs. I tapped lightly on the Bluebird's with a pencil. She flew up to the hole and sat there looking at me for a while and then