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In the woods close to the flume we saw a large Great Horned Owl several times. The woods here were a succession of rises and hollows. That Yellow-bellied Woodpecker's nest was not done yet. I hit the tree but nothing came out. I climbed up a little sapling by it. One of them lit on the tree and gave a low call and the other came out with some pieces of wood. Then the first one went in and the other staid by the door.
Heard a song coming continually from the top of
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tree. It was like [[underlined]][[fe tsia tsia chippy chippy chippy?]][[/underlined]]. The first was like that of a Field Sparrow and the second like a Chipping Sparrow. It was hard to locate and when I had found it I could not identify it, it was so high up. Finally it joined its mate in the brush and I saw that it was a Lark Sparrow the first that I had ever seen. It looked much like a White-Throated sparrow on its back. There was a black spot on its breast. The head was marked peculiarly with white. It was rather wild and
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