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was soon high in the trees again.
Heard a Maryland Yellow throat give a song like:
[[underlined]][[writ writ rit it chi?]][[/underlined]] repeated twice. There were Red-winged Blackbirds in the fields. The males were mating and chased the females all the time. The latter gave a note like [[underlined]]Kra Kra Kra[[/underlined]]. Heard a Warbling Vireo give a note like [[underlined]]chut chut[[/underlined]].
Saw several Yellow-throated Vireos. They were quite tame. Went over to the Hemlocks.
Found a Cooper's Hawk's nest in a large maple about 50 or sixty feet up. It was made
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of sticks with a loose rim around it and contained 3 pale-blue eggs. The female stayed on the nest until I was half way up. It took 25 minutes to get up and down.
Then we went over the rocks. Saw a single Hooded Warbler for an instant.
Ovenbird were very thick and we saw several Parula Warblers. It was threatening rain all the time. About noon we took our things up to the little cave. I was stooping to get under a little bush that stood by the foot of a tree when a female Partridge flew from her nest right under my