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feet. Her wing hit me in the neck and she nearly ran into Art. The nest was as large as a plate and was at the foot of a tree. It was made of leaves and contained 13 buffy white or [[?ochracians]] buff eggs. The female was laying yet. I took one.

After dinner we went south along Hemlock Creek. There was a narrow valley here - we followed it to its end. At one place there were a lot of berry bushes and I heard Cherwinks and field Sparrows Prairie Horned Larks and Vesper Sparrows were common and we saw a few Bluebirds

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Then we went home.

May 12, Sunday.

This afternoon I went over to the Hemlock Bluffs. I stopped for a while at the ravines. Heard a Catbird sing so low that I could hardly hear it. Saw some Quail. Went over in Voll's woods. Found a Song Sparrows nest with 4 of its own and 2 Cowbird's eggs in it. The female was not on the nest. The sparrow's eggs had a sharply defined wreath around the large end.
Saw some Quail fly up in a tree to sun themselves. They