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Went up on Northrup's by the R. R. Bridge. Saw a Single Yellow Warbler. Catbirds were thick. Found a Flicker's nest in a tall stub. Heard a Magnolia Warbler singing. The song was like: [[wavy underline]][[?rit rit rit ra it te]] [[/wavy underline]]. It was in the top of a tree. It is about as pretty a bird as I have seen. The underparts were yellow; breast and middle of belly streaked with black; underside of tail white, tipped with black; back olive, one white wing patch. It gave the song at short intervals.
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It was not restless but explored each limb thoroughly occasionally pausing to sing. Saw a number of Myrtle Warblers. 
Saw a Wilson's Thrush and several Wood Thrushes. On my way home. I saw a White-crowned Sparrow. Its tints were rich and harmonious and it was very beautiful.

May 15, Wednesday.
This morning I went up to the graveyard. Found a Phoebe's nest on the top of a window