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in the tool house. Saw a number of Chipping Sparrows. Vesper Sparrows were common and were tame. Went home through the woods. Saw a Single Black and White Warbler. It moved around leisurely and stayed for some time on one perch. It sang incessantly like : [[wavy underline]]su a su a su a su a su su su[[/wavy underline]]. Ovenbirds were common. Then I went home.

May 16, Thursday
This evening I heard a Wood Pewee.
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The Martins are taking in stuff for a nest. I saw them in the garden. The males fight. Heard a Magnolia Warbler sing.

May 19, Sunday. 
This morning before breakfast I went down in the fields. Meadowlarks and Bobolinks were abundant. The first bird to greet me in Maine's Woods was the Wilson's Warbler just arrived. They were everywhere in the trees and bushes. They were in full song. They sang about once a minute on the