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to be in my hand but hopped off and dropped without a flutter. I made it a nest of grass out of the wind and left it.

May 25, Saturday.

This morning I had to go to Ablemans on the train. Took my dinner along and ate it on some rocks. A bluejay got a big piece of bread and carried it around for some time. He hid it in a log. Wood Thrushes were thick. Saw Robins out of the nest.

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May 26, Sunday.

Went over in T. Hackett's  woods to watch birds. went up the track. Saw a number of Vesper Sparrows. Robins and Chipping sparrows were thick. on the edge of the woods was a Wood Thrush. It had several songs. I wrote one down. The song began and ended with a [[?steely]] krrrk. The song was [[underline]] Kr-r-rk queeror-stele krrrk [[/underline]] The mosquitoes were very thick. Catbirds and Kingfisher's were abundant. There were numbers of Phoebes around the bridges.
Then I went home.