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erratic in flight than the Bank Swallows. The latter dipped into the water continually to drink. We saw 39 birds.
1. Black Tern.
2. Great Blue Heron.
3. Green Heron.
4. Spotted Sandpiper.
5. Mourning Dove.
6. Red-shouldered Hawk
7. Belted Kingfisher
8. Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
9. Flicker
10. Chimney Swift
11. Kingbird
12. Wood Pewee
13. Least Flycatcher
14. Bluejay
15. Cowbird

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16. Red-winged Blackbird
17. Meadowlark
18. Baltimore Oriole
19. Bronzed Grackle
20. House Sparrow
21. American Goldfinch
22. Song Sparrow
23. Rose-breasted Grosbeak
24. Indigo Bunting.
25. Scarlet Tanager
26. Purple Martin
27. Cliff Swallow
28. Bank Swallow
29. Rough-winged Swallow
30. Cedar Waxwing
31. Red-eyed Vireo
32. Warbling Vireo
33. Yellow Warbler
34. Maryland Yellowthroat