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down in the fields after breakfast. It was a trifle too hot for comfort and not many birds were out. Saw a Meadowlark chasing a Kingbird and for once the latter appeared to be afraid. Heard a Catbird give a fall note like [[?]]. They keep rather close nowadays.

Heard the trembling, quavering Fall song of the song sparrow. This song ripples and quivers along with a few bursts of clear music and taken all together sounds rather nice especially at this season. It has a somewhat wren like quality.

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August 4, Sunday. 

This morning before breakfast I went down in Maine's woods. In one of the big elms by the river I saw a Nashville Warbler a new bird to me.  The underparts were bright yellow; head ashy; back olive green; wings blackish. It was was quite restless and fed on dexterously caught insects. It kept rather in the lower branches and was hard to find against the light.