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around picking up grasshoppers.  For the first time I now saw a Mourning Dove sitting on a wire near him.  It sat perfectly still for a long time.

Redheads were very thick across the river.  They drummed, called and chased each other around as though it was spring.

Saw a number of Bobolinks and red wings in the marsh.  One Bobolink gave such a queer note that I did not recognize it at first.

Jim and I went over to the Hemlock's.  We sat down in the cave and I heard a curious whistling [[?cluck]] coming from a clump of elders about 40 feet off.  It was a male ruffed grouse and soon after I saw him he flew.

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September 29, Sunday.

This morning after breakfast I went down by Leiders bridge. There was a large flock of Cedar Waxwings and Robins here.  They were eating grapes.  A few of the Robins hunted on the ground.  They were quite wild.

It [[strikethrough]] dark [[/strikethrough]] was [[strikethrough]]] a [[/strikethrough]] dark and threatened rain.

Saw some Red-eyed Vireo's.  They were wild and gave a note like  [[wavy underline]] tsip tseet [[/wavy underline]].  Went across the bridge and followed the river to the swimming hole.  The cedar Waxwings were eating grapes.  They gave beady notes like [[wavy underline]] tseep [[/wavy underline]].