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Scared up an Olive backed Thrush from some weeds. Soon saw another. They flew up and sat still looking at me. One gave a note that sounded like hitting a tumbler with your hand when it is full of water. If I tried to get closer they immediately flew. Thre were a number of White-throated Sparrows in the weeds and a fair sprinkling of Song Sparrow. Saw 3 or 4 Field Sparrows which is something unusual for this ground. Went over in T. Hacketts woods. I heard two or three faint [[wavy underline]] tseep [[/wavy underline]] but paid no attention to them. A Chipmunk

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gave a warning call and 6 or 8 Juncoes, two field sparrows and some Chipping Sparrows flew up from a field and lit above with frightened notes. They evidently thought that some danger threatened.
An Olive-backed Thrush flew up with a note like [[wavy underline]] [[?kree]] [[/wavy underline]] and then gave a faint Chook. The east side of the woods was deserted except for a few gray squirrels and a single White breasted Nuthatch who ran up and down a tree calling loudly and seemingly much disturbed about something