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as I got over on the western side a few more species became noticeable.  Saw several Brown Creepers and a female Redstart.  An Ovenbird walked along a dead tree in front of me and a Winter Wren scolded loudly. Heard a faint [[kissing?]] note and looking up saw my first Black-throated Blue Warbler.  Underparts white, throat and sides Black. Upperparts slatey blue crown and primaries black white spot on wing. It was very restless and ranged from the undergrowth to the tops of the trees. It acted much 

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like a Redstart.  Then I started for home.  Scared the Juncoes out of the same place.  A small flock of Song Sparrows along the river fought among themselves and then sang.  Then I went home.

This afternoon I went over across the river.  It was cloudy and windy and birds were scarce.  Saw none at all in the ravines.  In Volls woods were a few Myrtle Warblers and Chicadees and Kinglets of the Ruby-crowned species.  The Chicadees were busy getting larvae from the Ironwood seeds 