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by at a distance of 15 feet without flying.

In Baraboo about half past seven it was about 10 [[degree symbol]] warmer but a cold west wind was blowing. A Purple Finch lit in the top of a large elm at the corner of West and Second Avenue and sang. The song was loud and clear but was fragmentary in character. Then it flew on again not seeming to mind the cold in the least.

A little farther on I saw a Golden-crowned Kinglet in a box elder-something unusual

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for this time of year. It seemed quite happy and hopped around calling and singing quite a loud song. There were several others around in the shelter of the Arbor Vitae and Norway Spruces. They prefer the evergreens in the fall and winter.

Tonight after school I heard a harsh [[squiggly underline]] Kra Kra [[/underline]] from over by Anderson's two houses east of Hall's. I knew that it was a Northern Shrike and went over there. It was hopping around in some berry-bushes and calling with all its might. It would spread one wing