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The one that I saw first kept its tail spread most of the time. Its underparts were finely veined with brownish. I hung the sparrow on a thorn.

November 6, Wednesday.

The woman that lived in the house nearby said that the Shrikes were there quite early and were fighting hard. The sparrow which I had put on a thorn was gone this evening though I saw it in the morning about eight o'clock.

November 7, Thursday.

This morning I heard one of he Shrikes scream and went

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over there after getting my opera-glasses.  I had seen it fly into the bushes but could not find it again.  The English sparrows kept in the oak and pine trees and were very quiet.  It was about ten minutes before the sparrows began to feed and chirp again.  It was not very cold with a hard Northwest wind and an overcast sky.

November 8, Friday.

This noon while down in the switches I saw an English sparrow with a white feeding with a number of others. It was a female.