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In Seeley's Marsh  9:45 am

Nov. 10, 1901.
In Seeley's marsh were several Tree Sparrows.  I did not notice them until I sat down and then they hopped up in small willow bushes and called to each other for about five minutes.  
[[marginalia]] note [[/marginalia]]  The note was a sibilant [[underlined]] tsit. [[/underlined]].  They did not seem to be afraid as long as I sat still.  Another gave the silvery trilling flock note like [[underlined]] tse ool klit. [[/underlined]]  It was very hard to describe. After a little they [[marginalia]] actions [[/marginalia]] went back to the ground to feed. While giving the flock note that one seemed somewhat excited. As soon as I got up to go on the warning tsit was heard and they all flew into the bushes. Two that I noticed in the same willow drooped the [[marginalia]] flight [[/marginalia]] wings. The flight was tipping and they changed direction slightly every 3 strokes. The flight is exactly like that of a sparrow.