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H. Smiths  8:30 A.M.

Nov. 16, 1901 This morning a White-breasted Nuthatch let get to within 4 feet of him as he pounded a sunflower seed into a crevice [[marginalia]] food [[/marginalia]] in the bark of a small maple. It was quite frosty.
In cold frosty weather birds [[marginalia]] an opinion [[/marginalia]] seem to be tamer.  Perhaps they are slow to abandon the food they have because it is harder to find now.  
I was so close [[marginalia]] tameness [[/marginalia]] that I see the tiny feathers on its neck fluff out. It looked at me and they while facing down turned its head out making [[marginalia]] hiding [[/marginalia]] it look like a knot with a twig on it. Its bill being the twig like this:
[[marginalia]] drawing [[/marginalia]] [[image: drawing of nuthatch perched on a tree]]