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H. Smith's  3.00 P.M.
All day three Bluejays have stayed around [[marginalia]] I [[/marginalia]] near the house. This afternoon I went out and watched them. I took them to be two [[marginalia]] sex & no. [[/marginalia]] males and a female. The males were very jealous of each other.  They always stayed [[marginalia]] actions [[/marginalia]] near the female and had frequent but short set-tos over her. They kept their tails spread wide while near her.  She did not pay any attention to them. While flying from one place to another the female kept the lead the other two followed behind frequently fighting in the air. They fed on the ground with [[marginalia]] food [[/marginalia]] some chickens, probably eating corn. They [[marginalia]] habit of feeding [[/marginalia]] frequently flew to a low branch and lit in another place after examining the ground. [[marginalia]] notes [[/marginalia]] One gave a hard steely note like [[underlined]] pinked [[/underlined]] twice. The usual note was [[underlined]] Kwi. [[/underlined]] A male lit on the top spray of a Norway Spruce. He turned his head down to look