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Hall's In Baraboo  8:15 A.M.

Dec. 2, 1901
Evening Grosbeaks are quite thick this morning. They are flying around in great numbers, though generally singly or in pairs. 
[[marginalia]] notes [[/marginalia]] I hear their loud [[underlined]] terp [[/underlined]] all the time. A male lit in an oak in the yard and stayed there for some time. I went out to watch it. It sat on the topmost branch and looked around on all sides giving [[underlined]] terp [[/underlined]]  
[[marginalia]] notes [[/marginalia]] (The e like ā without the e sound) and another note like [[underlined]] tree-e-eep. [[/underlined]]  The e slightly trilled. After a little he started to fly but got slightly entangled in the twigs and gave an impatient angry note like [[underlined]] tree tree tur tur[[/underlined]]. 
[[marginalia]] marks [[/marginalia]] In flight the wing marks of white are very conspicuous.

Transcription Notes:
he writes ee very similar to a u, so his transcription of this birdcall is ambiguous - from working on a lot of his pages this is best guess.