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Maine's Woods  9:05 A.M.

Feb. 1, 1902
This morning Art Rudy and I were down in the fields.
[[marginalia]] perch [[/marginalia]]  When we were still some distance from Maine's Woods we could see a Northern Shrike perched on the top most spray of the large white elm.  It seemed to sit on the very end of the branch.  When we were a few rods off we stopped and watched it.
[[marginalia]] attitude [[/marginalia]]  It kept its feathers puffed out and its tail stuck out nearly straight behind.
[[marginalia]] actions [[/marginalia]]  It turned its head in all directions.  I squeeked like a mouse and it looked at us intently.  Then it made a dash into Volls woods but got nothing.  Then it flew south and in a minute a flock of Pine Siskins came from that way.
[[marginalia]] food [[/marginalia]]  Afterwards we found a mouse leg.