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By R.R. Bridge 9:00A.M.

Mar. 22, 1902.
This morning I went up by the railroad bridge. It was warm and sunny. Saw a Song Sparrow chasing another and watched them. 
[[marginalia]] mating [[/marginalia]] It was a male trying to win a mate but she fled from his attentions. 
[[marginalia]] actions [[/marginalia]] She would light on a stick and then fly just before he lit and thus they kept it up. I watched them 15 minutes and they were at it when I left. 
[[marginalia]] female sang [[/marginalia]]  Occasionally the male stopped to sing and she answered with another song. I did not now that the females sang before. 
[[marginalia]] note [[/marginalia]] She kept up a sharp [[underline]] tsit [[/underline]] all the while.