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Near [[Piwie?/Pierce]] Cave at Hemlocks. 3:45 P.M. 

Mar. 26, 1902
This afternoon I went over to the Hemlock Bluffs. 
[[marginalia]] note [[/marginalia]] Several times I heard a loud harsh [[underline]] zw-w-wt [[/underline]] and hunted it up. I could not locate it at first but finally traced it to a small flock of Pine Siskins in a birch. 
[[marginalia]] song [[/marginalia]] They sang in a queer mixed medley. The song was like that of a Goldfinch. during the singing and in pauses the harsh note was given. 
[[marginalia]] description [[/marginalia]] Took the following description. Upperparts olive brownish streaked on the rump with white which merges to brown on the head and wings. Two white wing bars. tails notched.  Inner half of wing and tail feathers yellow. underparts whitish streaked with brownish black. bill sharp.