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Apr. 9, 1902
[[page number]] II  [[/page number]]
back. The female sit on the top and the males on the crossbars of cross. 
[[marginalia]] love note [[/marginalia]]  They gave the love note [[underlined]]] [[?wiskaw]] [[/underlined]] all the time.  
[[marginalia]] mating [[/marginalia]]  The female bowed from one side to another while the males postured themselves with spread tails and drooping wings.  They generally kept their backs toward her so as to show the white rumps.  They moved their heads from side to side rapidly.  The throat was extremely tremulous while giving the love-notes.  Finally they went into the trees.

Transcription Notes:
Margin notes arranged against relevant section in the text. The margin note is effectively a reference to the text, which it seems clear is what Wetmore meant to do.