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J. Hackett's Woods 10:15 - 11:15 a.m.

April 19, 1902 
[[page number]] I [[/page number]]
This morning I took my camera and I went out in the woods. 
[[marginalia]] Food trees [[/marginalia]] Found where a male Yellow Bellied Woodpecker had tapped a great number of Basswood and maple trees.  He made the rounds regularly as he seemed quite tame I selected one of his trees and focused on his feeding place and settled down to wait. 
[[marginalia]] Intruders [[/marginalia]] He was kept busy trying to drive away intruders.  Myrtle Warblers, White-breasted Nuthatches and Downy Woodpeckers all tried to steal sap. 
[[marginalia]] actions [[/marginalia]] The bird came once but bulb slipped and alarmed him.  He evidently visited each tree every half hour.  One Myrtle Warbler came to my tree several times but was chased away before I could take it.