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notes all the time. Once in a while they became louder and sounded choked and by this I could tell when they were being fed.

About noon I went over to big Charlie Hengseter's [[sp?]] to thrash. Vesper sparrows were quite thick on the way over as usual but I noticed that they were gathered more in flocks. A few song Sparrows were mixed with them. Some of Melosspiza melodia had a very loud clear song and I noticed one in particular whose song was loud and

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also well and strikingly 

[[image - sketch of bird on branch]]
[[caption]] Crested Flycatcher [[/caption]]

arranged. A few probably young ones sang very badly. In Hewitts  woods there were a great many young birds, Chipping Sparrows and Wood Pewees. I saw one crested Flycatcher on the tip of a tree beyond Cody's. It sat very erect and kept a good watch.