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the bluff. A Wood Pewee started to chase ^[[them]] but changed its mind and turned back catching insects on the way.

I saw two crows down in Dalke's oat field. They flew off towards the marsh. Heard the [[underlined]] ery-ery-ery [[/underlined]] of the nuthatch. What a spring sound that is. I was carried back to an early April morning with just a tinge of frost in the air with the Nuthatches, Juncoes and Chickadees calling in all directions.

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August 15, Friday.

This morning after breakfast Ed [[Dumismer?]], Art Rudy, Burr Dickie, Clint Hanger and I went down the track In the little gully near the railroad bridge there was a flock of about 40 Robins. There not so wild as fall Robins usually are. A few sat on the track eating gravel. They were not very noisy. In Rob Dickies woods we saw some more. One young sat and looked at me on the ground.

Birds were very thick in a plantation of