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it would sit - still on the tip of a branch in the sun. It was a prolific singer. The song in general character reminded me of the fall song of the Song Sparrow being given in much the same tone. It resembled the syllables [[underlined]] chú see chú seet se suty súty sea [[/underlined]]. Sometimes the last half was trilled and trembled and it ended in various turns. The song was not very loud but was audible for some distance. The bird flew into some box-elders and after hunting there awhile came back to the poplar.

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This morning after breakfast Art Rudy and I went over in J. Hackett's woods. There were a great many vireos here. They were very restless and were hard to identify. Once I followed one for some distance thinking it was a Warbler. Finally it began to sing and I knew for the Yellow-throated. Almost immediately the whole grove in which I was echoed to vireo notes.

We went and sat down by the railroad track. Saw a Black and white Warbler in a tree. It crawled around very close to us. It was a pretty bird.