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a good view of it. Last fall I saw only one of this species. This year they are very common.
A Waterthrush of the northern species flew up out of Duralls cornfield and lit in a crab apple tree. It seemed very tame for a Waterthrush and must have been a young one. I saw it close by several times afterward and once it was so close that I could see the stripes on its breast in the dusk. All of the resident birds had gone to roost but these migrants were restless.

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August 31, Sunday.

This morning I went over in the Island. Birds were very thick. I came suddenly on a young male Grosbeak and he flew a ^[[few]] feet in a startled manner. His breast was rosy but the black of his plumage was spotted with brown.

The pasture had been cropped close by sheep. A family party of Wood Pewees occupied one spot near the big grove. It was rather windy and they fed near the ground. I noticed that they nearly always perched