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in the shade. The perches used were rather low generally. One indulged in song and another chased it around evidently telling it to keep still.

There was also a pair of Chipping Sparrows with at least one young one and possibly more that they were feeding. The one (or more) kept up a constant [[underlined]] suty seety [[/underlined]] all the time. The old hunted around on the ground and chased each other petulantly through the bushes. They were almost constantly in motion while hunting for food.

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In one place I came across the following inscription nailed to a dead tree.

[[image - sketch of tree with bark pattern detail, and sign reading 'NO Hunting FISHING OR TRESPASS']]

It looking rather weather beaten and was not printed ^[[well]] but one could gather what was meant easily enough. The farmer that owns the land probably will ever know of my