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Suddenly they flew from a perch on the fence into the weeds. An instant later the Coopers Hawk swooped past and then circled off disapointedly.
A Water thrush flew up with a note like [[underlined]] tsi-ip [[/underlined]] given in a harsh sharp tone. I heard the same note afterwards given in flight.

September 5, Thursday.

This morning after breakfast Art Rudy and I went over on the Island. Saw a number of family flocks of goldfinches. The young ones kept begging

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for food with rapidly vibrating wings but the old ones paid no attention to them. The youngsters would even light so close to them as to crowd them off the sunflower heads on which they were feeding. They followed the old ones all over and a sharp [[underlined]] per-chic-o-ree [[/underlined]] from one or the other the whole flock would take wing and go to some other feeding ground.

Robins were thicker than they were Sunday and Chipping Sparrow were also more numerous.

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